02 November 2008

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

     I realize that its been a long time since I last wrote. Many a things have happened since, the most significant being I am now a proud owner of a shaved head. It came about in Las Vegas last weekend. Don't worry I'm still worthy to attend the temple.  I have been able to strengthen friendships. This has come about while playing ultimate Frisbee, sitting on the couch in the neutral zone, and creating a grateful wall with some of girls that I home teach. 
   Oh also Friday was Halloween which is kinda a big deal at BYU. Everyone dresses up, well the
 cool people do. So I dressed up since I'm a cool person. And with being bald I could come up with some creative costumes so after much consideration I decided to dress up as a member of the Blue Man Group.  It was pretty much a hit.    
     As far as schooling goes. Most of my classes are going pretty good, I sign up for winter semester on the 7th of November. Which is in a couple of days. Its amazing how fast things go by here at college. It seems like yesterday I was trying to find Room 1105 in the JKB. This also means that I'm this much closer to serving my mission.  
     My availability date for entering the MTC is in only 6 months which will seem like tomorrow. I'm so very excited for that date when I hug my mom for the last time for 2 years. Not that I don't like hugging you mom, but I know that I will be doing what you and dad and more importantly Heavenly Father wants me to do. I hope you understand. As I think about it more and more it has been brought to my attention through the Holy Ghost that someone is out there preparing a specific individual at this very moment for me to baptize. 


Louise Hiatt said...

Hey - so are you going to grow it back out? Pretty cool costume. By the way, have you gotten your passport yet? Love you.

Russell Hiatt said...

yes i'm starting to grow it back out now. and i totally forgot about the passport. thanks for the reminder. oh and i get to register for classes before shane isn't that funny.

jeffhead said...

you're so righteous...