09 October 2008

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.

     Well one more week has passed. I'm glad that it is finally over. It was one rough week, but things WILL get better. I went to the temple twice this week; I'm so glad that its only five minutes away. I cooked an AWESOME meal, pepperoni linguini. I did some rock climbing and slid down the side of a mountain, saw a goat that was all eaten up by cougars I'm guessing, thankfully i didn't meet the cougar that would have been scary. I've made new friends. Its amazing how many new people I meet each week even within the apartment complex. 
     Today I had dinner at my aunts house with a couple of other cousins, and next sunday I was invited to a baked potato bar for lunch and then to a uncle's house for dinner. Yay for families that love you. Classes are going good, though I can't wait until next semester it should be so much fun. 
     Every day I keep catching myself thinking about how close I am to leaving on my mission. In the past I've been looking forward to it, but now I'm at the point of I want to go NOW. I can't wait until I have the opportunity to go out and do the Lord's work. I've started thinking about places I want to go and I've narrowed it down to two places, one stateside and one foreign. The foreign is Switerzland and the stateside is Washington state. But ultimately I will go where the Lord wants me to go. 


Becky said...

You do know your mom had the picture of the Swiss temple hanging in our room for years because that's where she wanted to get married, don't you? Maybe that's where you got your desire to serve there.

Have a wonderful day!

Russell Hiatt said...

yes. I knew that and i think that i partly want to go to there so that when i get money and take mom there i can go back and see the people

Louise Hiatt said...

Way to go Russell! Did you share your cooking with your brother? Nice to hear you are thinking about your mission. Just be prepared to go wherever the Lord sends you. That will be the place you fall in love with! (Don't forget to do some school work in the middle of cooking, making friends and staying away from cougars!) Love ya :) Mom