09 October 2008

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.

     Well one more week has passed. I'm glad that it is finally over. It was one rough week, but things WILL get better. I went to the temple twice this week; I'm so glad that its only five minutes away. I cooked an AWESOME meal, pepperoni linguini. I did some rock climbing and slid down the side of a mountain, saw a goat that was all eaten up by cougars I'm guessing, thankfully i didn't meet the cougar that would have been scary. I've made new friends. Its amazing how many new people I meet each week even within the apartment complex. 
     Today I had dinner at my aunts house with a couple of other cousins, and next sunday I was invited to a baked potato bar for lunch and then to a uncle's house for dinner. Yay for families that love you. Classes are going good, though I can't wait until next semester it should be so much fun. 
     Every day I keep catching myself thinking about how close I am to leaving on my mission. In the past I've been looking forward to it, but now I'm at the point of I want to go NOW. I can't wait until I have the opportunity to go out and do the Lord's work. I've started thinking about places I want to go and I've narrowed it down to two places, one stateside and one foreign. The foreign is Switerzland and the stateside is Washington state. But ultimately I will go where the Lord wants me to go. 

Reflection of the Week

     This was one amazing week. It went from being 80 degrees one day to snowing the next. I'm so ready for some snow.  I went to the temple twice this week and had a wonderful time. I have decided to go a minimal of one time a week. Sunday was an amazing day. The Elders Quorum lesson was wonderful, in fact every lesson and talk today was incredible. Its great to be excited about going to church and being edified. 
     In an effort to become better prepared for my mission I have set a couple of goals, and they say that when you tell people that it is easier to stay true to that.  So I will tell you. They are: attending the temple once a week, studying Preach My Gospel for a minimal of an hour a week, studying scriptures daily, cook at least 3 meals a week, this excludes things like ramen and macaroni. 

05 October 2008

General Conference

As some of you know Shane and I went to General Conference at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. We left the apartment at about 7:30. Once we got to Salt Lake we spent about ten minutes looking for a parking space. Finally we found one and parked really close to the exit, this was a very smart idea on my part. 
The saturday morning session was really great. The Spirt that was felt as President Monson and his counselors entered the center was magnificent. After this session Shane and I went searching for food due to the fact that both of us were starving. This wasn't the greatest time because there isn't really anything food wise close to the Temple and the heavens had opened the doors and let the rain come. We finally found a Carl's Jr withe the help of a police officer that was directing traffic. And they say men don't ask for directions. Anyway for those on the east coast a Carl's Jr is very similar to a Hardees. As we were eating an elderly couple came an sat down at the table next to us and we had a very enjoyable conversation with them. 
Priesthood Session was different. I was very frustrated with myself due to the fact that I was very tired and ended up kind of napping during each of the talks except for President Monson's. Though I will let you know that when they panned the audience I held up a sign that said "HI MOM" if you had trouble seeing it. I will later post pictures of it on my facebook. 
After the conclusion of the session Shane and I went and took a couple of pictures of the temple. Those can be found on facebook if you would like to look at those. We then walked back to the car and got out of the parking lot in a mere five minutes. However we didn't get to the interstate for another twenty minutes because we missed a turn and ended up in the middle of nowhere. After arriving back to the apartment I went straight to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold. For saturday was a very long day.

04 October 2008

Life as a Freshman

Say it ain't so. The little boy has finally grown up and is now in his freshman year of college. Its been a blast. Brigham Young has welcomed me with arms wide opened, and I have gladly accepted the hug. College life is so different than life back home. Sure I miss the fam and friends but hey a kid needs to experience new and exciting things before its to late. Late nights have been more than a few. In fact it is 4:30 in the am when i started this. But I'm normally not up this late. In fact its a strange story as for why I'm up at the wee hours of the morning. I spent several hours at some kids house that I have no idea who it is. I should probably go to sleep now but I'm leaving the apartment in a matter of 2 1/2 hours to go watch the general authorities of the church. 
The grades are doing pretty well. On my first ever English 150 paper I received an amazing score of 91 out of a possible 100. I was extremely proud of myself seeing how as English is my weakest subject. I'm really enjoying my Construction Management class and can't wait till I get back from the mission and can start taking a lot of CM classes. 
I saw a flair on facebook the other day that said "  'social life, adequate sleep, good grades'  'pick two' 'welcome to college'  " and I am here to say that that is true in all senses. the amount of sleep I'm getting isn't that great, but hey I'm living life on top of the mountain.